"The Weekly Dish" January 31, 2014

Today's serving of The Weekly Dish is ready for your listening pleasure.

Thanks to our special guests, kooky comedians Sunny Dennis and Chino LaForge, boisterous babe Sara Byrd and Jen Cox from Malama Maui Nui.

Have a fun and safe weekend!

Click to enjoy the replay.


"The Weekly Dish" January 24, 2014


Miss this morning's serving of The Weekly Dish?  No worries.  Listen in here.

Jose Roman, Chad Kaya, Trish da Dish, Shawn Michael, Steve Hart and Garry Forsberg

"The Weekly Dish" January 17, 2014


Happy Aloha Friday! Glad to have Mr. Charlie Dungans visit The Weekly Dish this morning, and give us the scoop on One Hot Winter's Night III at the Historic Iao Theater, an annual benefit for Maui OnStage tonight.

Paul Janes-Brown dished out the latest art and theatre happs, and my sweet and surely co-host Shawn Michael and I delivered all the latest on Maui's community news and music scene, including a grip of cool live music shows hitting the isle this month and next.

You can tune in live every Friday morning at 7 a.m. on KAOI 1110Am/96.7Fm, or stream live and listen later via www.theweeklydishradio.com.

Thanks for the support! Please follow the radio show by liking us via www.facebook.com/theweeklydish.
Also, please look over the fliers below for the latest, and please take the time to look over the missing person posts we've been sharing about Maui woman, Moreira Monsalve. She is loved very much, and we hope to find her soon.
Thanks for listening, and keep it real.

Peace & love,